Bite Sized Data Science

Taking your first steps towards a career in data science? Brushing up on machine learning concepts before an interview? Trying to learn a new thing? You’re in the right place! This post serves as a hub for all of the articles in the Data Science BS series. You can...

About Me

About Me

Read about my winding path to starting The Data Hackr. In this post I take some time to provide a bit of background on who I am and the experiences that led me to start this blog.

How I Recreated Pandora on Spotify

How I Recreated Pandora on Spotify

Read on for the details on how I recreated Pandora’s artist radio functionality on Spotify. This post is a deep dive into the world of music, artists, genres, and their relationships to one another. Enjoy!

Welcome To The Data Hackr!

Welcome To The Data Hackr!

Welcome! I’m grateful you found this isolated oasis buried deep in the depths of the internet.. 😀 I wanted to give you a little bit of context on what you can expect to read at The Data Hackr, why you should trust me, and what’s in it for you. Onwards… A Bit About Me...

I'm The Data Hackr...

I find data and do cool things with it, then I come here and write about it. It's pretty simple! Most of the time. Along the way I try to provide some insightful information, helpful hints, and chronicle my journey as a freelance data scientist. If you're new around these parts, here's the long version of my story.