Bite Sized Data Science

by | Apr 16, 2023 | Data Science Bite-Sized, Top Data Science BS

Taking your first steps towards a career in data science? Brushing up on machine learning concepts before an interview? Trying to learn a new thing?

You’re in the right place!

This post serves as a hub for all of the articles in the Data Science BS series. You can always come back here to navigate.

Each post is “bite-sized” (a 5-15 minute read). All supporting code can be found here.

Happy Learning!


The Data Science BS Series

What is Data Science and Why Should You Care? (Read this first!)

Machine Learning

The Basics

What is Machine Learning?


How to Use Logistic Regression for Classification


Model Validation

Data Normalization

Advanced Topics

Feature Selection & Feature Engineering


Neural Networks & Deep Learning


Data Visualization

The Basics

Probability & Statistics

The Basics



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